High Priest of our Confession Pt 3

Considering the High Priest of our Confession Pt 3

Who Leads us to Faithfulness

Hebrews 3:12-19

"Beware of an evil heart of unbelief" is the warning of Hebrews 3:12. This call to be-aware, is a protective call for self-evaluation. It is undergirded by a desire to rescue people from "departing from the living God" through evil hearted unbelief. The writer follows by outlining an available antidote to evil hearted unbelief so that we might be rescued from unfaithfulness and Enter the Rest of God.

IV. A High Priest Who Leads us to the Antidote to Unfaithfulness


Listen to previous sermons by clicking these links:

Considering the High Priest of our Confession Pt 2

Considering The High Priest of our Confession Pt 1

The High Priest of our Confession Intro Pt 2


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