bible Hebrews Theology 2

Hebrews Must Believe the Best Theology Pt 2

Hebrews 1:2b-3

II. The Best Christology --His Positions and Occupations 
A.  The Son's Princely Attestation


God has made Himself known to man by Speaking.

God has, in these last days spoken to us by His Son so that we may believe / have faith in and honor above all others the incomparable Christ who is the Complete, Full and Final Revelation of God the Father.

These truths God spoke in Theological / Biblical revelation and it is the "Best" theology because it is straight from God Himself!


Listen to previous sermons by clicking these links:

Hebrews Must Believe the Best Theology Pt 1

An Introduction to hebrews

What Can Man Do to Me? Pt 2

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