Judgment of Jesus is Coming

The Judgment of Jesus is Coming

II Peter 3:1-9

Peter again delivers a reminder to his beloved readers, a steadying revisitation of the doctrines concerning the coming divine judgment of God. 

These sureties, stand solidly against the propaganda of those wicked ones who scoff at the coming Day of the Lord and yet provide a staunch foundation for holy living that undergirds the faithful Christians both then – and today!


Listen to previous sermons about the Dangers of False Teachers by clicking these links:

Pt. 5 False Teachers Are Corrupt

Pt. 4 False Teachers are Empty Criers

Pt. 3 False Teachers are like Brute Beasts


Thanks for stopping by https://firstbaptistchurchlewistown.com/ ! We hope you will be able to come see us in person on Sunday mornings at 10:45.

If you live too far away we can also be found on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/FirstBaptistChurchLewistownMT

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