End of the world

The End Of The World Pt 4

II Peter 3:13

V.  Remember the Day of the Lord’s Promise by Faith 


In light of the soon coming Day Of The Lord

  • how should we think?
  • how should we Christians respond? 
  • what preparations should be made?

to be ready for this most significant of all world events.


Peter answers this for us in Chapter 3 of his second epistle.


Peter gives us Five clear Instructions to Remember so that we may become

Mature - Fully Prepared for the coming Day Of The Lord.


Listen to previous sermons about the coming "Day of The Lord"  by clicking these links:

The End Of The World Pt 3

The End Of The World Pt 2

The End Of The World Pt 1


Thanks for stopping by https://firstbaptistchurchlewistown.com/ ! We hope you will be able to come see us in person on Sunday mornings at 10:45.

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