False Teachers Corrupt

Pt. 5 False Teachers Are Corrupt

II Peter 2:20-22

Peter continues his epistle giving seven precise descriptions of the nature and character of the predicted false teachers so that true disciples of Christ may gain wisdom for identifying false teachers and discernment for avoiding their destructive doctrines.--II Peter 2:10-22

This week we conclude with descriptions number 6 and 7--False Teachers are Described as being Calamitous and Consistently Corrupt (v.20-22)


Listen to previous sermons about the Dangers of False Teachers by clicking these links:

Pt. 1 The Dangers of False Teachers Exposed

Pt. 2 Beware of False Teachers

Pt. 3 False Teachers are Deceptive

Pt. 4 False Teachers are Empty Criers

Thanks for stopping by https://firstbaptistchurchlewistown.com/ ! We hope you will be able to come see us in person on Sunday mornings at 10:45.

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