God's Heart Exam

The Results of God's Heart Examination

Proverbs 21:1-31

What shall a man do when God examines his heart and it is found to be broken and wicked?

What can possibly be done for a broken and sinful heart?

The wisdom of Proverbs 21 Examines all men's hearts so that we will be wise and turn to Him who can take the broken heart and replace it with a heart that works Righteousness!


Listen to previous sermons by clicking these links:

Understanding a “True” God Seeker

Peter’s Last Words on Christian Steadfastness Pt 4

Peter’s Last Words on Christian Steadfastness Pt 3


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If you live too far away we can also be found on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/FirstBaptistChurchLewistownMT

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