God Seeker

Understanding a “True” God Seeker

Psalm 63

David gives us Six Insights into the person of a “true” God Seeker so that we all may use this as a template to understanding what a person who seeks after God is really like - both inside (the Soul) and outside (the Body) and then Evaluate ourselves so that we might join him in truly seeking after God unto fulfillment and everlasting is Joy!


Listen to previous sermons by clicking these links:

Peter’s Last Words on Christian Steadfastness Pt 4

Peter’s Last Words on Christian Steadfastness Pt 3

Peter’s Last Words on Christian Steadfastness Pt 2

Peter’s Last Words on Christian Steadfastness Pt 1

Thanks for stopping by https://firstbaptistchurchlewistown.com/ ! We hope you will be able to come see us in person on Sunday mornings at 10:45.

If you live too far away we can also be found on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/FirstBaptistChurchLewistownMT

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