End of the world

Pt. 1 The End Of The World

II Peter 3:10-13

In light of the soon coming Day of The Lord, how should we think? How should we Christians respond and what preparations should be made to be ready for this most significant of all world events? 

Peter answers this for us in Chapter 3 of his second epistle. 

Peter gives us Five clear Instructions to Remember so that we may become Mature - fully Prepared for the coming Day of the Lord. 


I.   Remember the Day of the Lord will come Unexpectedly (v.10a)

II.  Remember at the Day of the Lord the World will be Burned Up


Listen to previous sermons about Judgement and the Dangers of False Teachers by clicking these links:

Pt. 2 The Judgment of Jesus is Coming

Pt. 1 The Judgment of Jesus is Coming

Pt 1. The God who Destroys is the God who Delivers

Pt1. The Dangers of False Teachers Exposed

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